


District Requirements:

Must complete application paperwork, a background check, and provide a driver's license to the District office. Mary Lester is your point of contact for this information: [email protected]

ASAA Requirements:

A PlanetHS account must be made and linked to DHS. Once created, a coach must complete the following requirements as outlined by ASAA. 

The Alaska Coaches Education Program is required for all high school athletic coaches who have direct supervision of students. This may include head coaches and assistant coaches at all levels, as well as non paid coaches and coaches of out-sourced programs. (See ASAA Bylaw Article 10)

The Program consists of Five Components

  1. Fundamentals of Coaching: NFHS course. (Does not expire)

  1. Alaska State Component: Covers ASAA Bylaws and Policies. Included in the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching AK Course or can be taken independently. (Does not expire)

  1. First Aid Requirement: Maintain a current certification in First Aid. It is achieved by completing the NFHSlearn First Aid, Health and Safety course which is valid for three years or by completing one of the pre-approved courses.

  1. Concussion Awareness Training: The requirement to maintain current knowledge in concussion management is mandated by Alaska State Law. It is achieved only by successful completion of the current “NFHS Concussion Course”. It is valid for three years.

  1. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training: It is achieved only by successful completion of the current “NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest” course. It is valid for three years.

Click here for links to more information on courses and waiver forms

Once the courses are complete, certificates must be sent to [email protected]





**Select the URLs that appear after clicking each link and it should open the form. If it does not, please reach out to the building AD**

Inventory Form--Must have permissions to open this

Master Permission Slip

Travel Permission Slip

Travel/Absence form for student athletes 

Vehicle Information 

Email Ms. Niki with your dates and destinations to be added to the calendar

Fundraising Approval Form

Booster Club Funding Request

End of Season Summary Template

Player Quit Probation Report

Equipment/ Supplies Request Form

Accident Report

ASAA Coach Requirements





Sport Specific Calendars can be seen here

2024-2025 School year Athletic Dates are as follows:

Cross Country (First Practice July 31, State October 4-5)

Coed Soccer (First Practice July 31, Regionals October 3-5)

Volleyball (First Practice August 7, State November 8-9)

Rifle (TBD)

Wrestling (First Practice October 2, State December TBD)

Hockey (First Practice October 16, State February 6-8)

All State Music (TBD)

Basketball (First Practice December 4,  State TBD)

Cheer (First Practice TBD, State TBD)

Solo & Ensemble (TBD)

Track & Field (First practice TBD, State TBD)

Baseball (First practice TBD, State TBD)

Softball (First practice TBD, State TBD)






Click here for a step-by-step process of how to get connected on PlanetHS

You will complete your mandatory coach training requirements here but you can also use this as a resource for team rosters and emergency contact information.





Fundraising must be approved using the Fundraising form before you can publicize or begin the process. 

The DHS Booster Club is also available to assist. Use this Form (select the url when the new window appears)


Delta High School Booster Club values volunteerism and involvement.

  • ● The requesting group shall show their previous efforts to fund the request by other means such as fundraising, grants, requests to the district, use of DHS account, etc.
  • ● The requesting group shall show their involvement in school activities such as volunteer opportunities (i.e. Spruce up the School, Christmas Bazaar, concessions hosting, etc.)
  • ● The requesting group shall show their commitment to the Booster Club by having parents and/or coaches be active club members.



  • Up to 20% of total cost for travel (i.e. airfare, bus support, gas) not covered by the School District
  • Funds advances to paid back to the Booster Club within 12 months
  • Snacks for Testing, Coaches Meetings, etc.
  • Supplies for special projects (with school administration approval)
  • Awards for recognition or achievement (with school administration approval)
  • Equipment Purchases (beyond what is essential to the sport, with school administration approval)
  • Upgrades to Facility (with school administration approval)



  • Cost of Hotels
  • Personal Gear (i.e. warm-ups, travel bags, personal equipment)
  • Fees for camps, clinics, private instruction or any activity outside of the school
  • Supplement any school district employee or coach/assistants salary



Students are expected to complete this form BEFORE they travel. Any work listed should be completed during any free time on your trip. Students have access to this form online and at school. Please check these forms regularly to ensure completion. 

If work is not complete, teachers will enter 0's in the grade book which can result in athlete ineligibility. 

Absence Form





Seniors can complete the following form to submit for senior night recognition

Senior Salute