Requirements to Participate (Forms and Fees)
2) Master Permission Slip (you will get this from your coach)
**The following forms need to be completed online at but are below for your reference**
3) DHS Athletics Code of Conduct Contract
This can be submitted online but a hard copy can also be turned in to the AD for safe keeping
5) Parent Consent Forms (consent to travel/participate, medical release)
8) Concussion
May be paid on Revtrak or to the DHS Office
$200 per student per season
Maximum $400 for DHS families per season. Payment plans may be set up. This must be paid prior to competition in desired activity.
Students outside of the school district that chose to join DHS athletics must pay $500/athlete/season with no family cap.
PlanetHS How-To
- Students must be regularly attending school in order to be eligible for participation in sport/club practice, sport/club competition, dances, performances. (AR 6145.2 DGSD Board Policy)
- Students must be present the entire day of an event (this includes the Friday before a Saturday event). **Entire day means all class periods**
- If excessive absences or tardies are noticed, a student may become ineligible to play (a meeting with the coach, athletic committee, and administration will occur)
- Appointments should be made within these guidelines or will require a 48 hour written notice to the school principal for approval.
- If a student is absent the day of an event, they will be ineligible to participate in competition
- Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and seniors NOT on track to graduate must be enrolled in a minimum of 5 courses (2.5 credits)
- Seniors (on track to graduate) must be enrolled in a minimum of 4 courses (2 credits)
- Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA
- Students must maintain grades that reflect no failing grades and no more than one “D” grade. This eligibility requirement is checked weekly on Mondays.
- The two-week period at the beginning of each semester will be based on the previous semester’s progress
- If a student is deemed ineligible on Monday, it cannot be changed. Students cannot compete in any ASAA sanctioned events, however they are still expected to attend practice.
- If a student transfers to homeschool from DHS there will be a 10 day probationary period of ineligibility
- Quitting Report
- A coach has a right to submit a report when a student-athlete chooses to quit a team
- By quitting, a 2 week waiting period will take place before a student can participate in another activity (either two weeks after the offense or two weeks at the start of the next season)
- The 2 week probation period (10 days) will not count towards mandatory practice attendance for competition
- Behavior
- All students are expected to respect other athletes, coaches, facilities, and referees
- The use, possession, and/or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or controlled substances is strictly prohibited
- Vandalism, theft, dishonesty, or unsafe behaviors are prohibited
- There is a zero tolerance for hazing
- Parents are expected to show appropriate sportsmanship and behavior as outlined above
Activity Trip Absences
- Responsibility of the student-athlete to communicate with all teachers BEFORE your absence
- Plan ahead, stay ahead
- Assignments are due upon your return from the activity or per your teacher’s syllabus
Important Dates
Sport Specific Calendars can be seen here
2024-2025 School year Athletic Dates are as follows:
Cross Country (First Practice July 31, State October 4-5)
Coed Soccer (First Practice July 31, Regionals October 3-5)
Volleyball (First Practice August 7, State November 8-9)
Rifle (TBD)
Wrestling (First Practice October 2, State December TBD)
Hockey (First Practice October 16, State February 6-8)
All State Music (TBD)
Basketball (First Practice December 4, State TBD)
Cheer (First Practice TBD, State TBD)
Solo & Ensemble (TBD)
Track & Field (First practice TBD, State TBD)
Baseball (First practice TBD, State TBD)
Softball (First practice TBD, State TBD)
Homeschool Students
If a student is choosing to participate with DGSD athletics/activities they must complete all eligibility listed above. In addition, the following must be completed:
1) ASAA form must be completed and turned in PRIOR to participation
2) Verification of accredited program and class enrollment (class schedule for example) must be submitted
3) Teacher of Record must submit weekly grade updates to the front office or AD or must verify on track to graduate status
**If a student transfers to Homeschool, there is a 10 day probationary period of ineligibility until grades are an accurate reflection.
Absence Form
This form must be complete BEFORE you leave for any activity. The expectation is that you complete your homework, notes, or assigned tasks while you are away. You must SUBMIT your work upon your return to your teacher.
Coming Soon: College Readiness